ART DESIGN AWARD by industrial
by Nocs Design
Except from a lovely curated store; industrial has launched an annual Art Design Reward. We are honoured to be nominated for 2023 with the latest project Monolith.
"We've taken a closer look at your MONOLITH project and we're truly impressed by what you've created.
Industrial is now introducing the ART DESIGN AWARD. We intend to award this annually to outstanding designers, artists, and architects. What's especially important to us is the independence of this award. We aim to stand apart from other recognitions by ensuring that both the nominees and winners are selected completely impartially and without any financial involvement.
For this reason, we believe that your MONOLITH project aligns perfectly with our approach. After careful consideration, we have decided to include you and your project in our list of nominees."
Johannes Stumpf
More information pls visit industrialkonzept.com